California folks take a dim view

of Iowa's gaiety

From wire reports

Scott County (Iowa) Treasurer William Cusak isn't popular in California after remarking that his county's license plates beginning with the letters "GAY" probably would go over big out there.

In the normal alphabetical course of events, Scott County (Davenport area) got 999 of the the plates early this year. The Associated Press reported nationally that 130 auto owners had asked for exchanges, apparently because the word "gay" is sometimes used to mean "homosexual," and quoted Cusak as saying that in California there would probably be a waiting line for such plates.

"The people of your town should think you a bigot; I sure do!" said one of the letters Cusak got in reply. A Navy man from Long Beach, Calif., wrote: "You have an irresponsible mouth."

Another letter suggested that some of the Californians Cusack thinks would line up for "GAY" license plates may be transplanted Midwesterners.

Cusack said: "I wasn't saying everyone in California is gay, but there is a certain segment there that would like ("GAY" plates) and I'm still saying that."

